Additions, Alterations & Retrofits

As we become more enlightened in terms of carbon positive living we find ourselves facing the reality that most of us still live in homes that belong to a generation of buildings that are static and largely unresponsive to their environment. In today’s world, where energy and fuels cost steadily more as it becomes more difficult to harvest and supply them, it is more relevant than ever to adapt our lives and our homes to behave appropriately. Modern building techniques and technologies are very capable of providing an effective solution for this. CoolEarth specialize in mechnising multiple environmental assets to turn everyday homes into responsive machines for modern and efficient living.

Wind, rain, sunlight and earth are all harvestable resources which, when put to good use through the utilization of elements such green roofs, green walls, water management systems, solar power, etc, can be truly transforming in terms of maintenance and sustaining costs of any home.

Whether it’s a structural addition, an excvation, or simply a building fixture, CoolEARTH have the expertise to consult on, design and/or build it for you.

Contact us for a quote today.